Masks are required while entering, exiting, or moving around inside of the building.

Masks are not required when seated in the service.

An usher will open each door upon your arrival.

A greeter will offer hand sanitizer once inside.

A Medical Assistance Team Member will do a forehead temperature scan of each person.

You will be directed to a seating location based on available space.

Please refrain from moving forward during praise & worship time.

There will be no nursery or children's ministry activities.  Families are asked to stay together before, during, and after service.

Restroom use will be limited to one individual at a time, and should be used only when absolutely necessary.

Please refrain from hugs and handshakes.

Offerings will be received by ushers carrying baskets.  No one will need to touch the baskets and building fund boxes will not be used.

Communion will be distributed by usher carrying trays.  A mask must be worn by anyone while taking elements from the tray.  Please hold empty cups and they will be collected by an usher immediately.

For those desiring prayer at the close of service, they will be asked to stand where they are with a mask on.  Elders and Executive Deacons wearing masks and gloves will anoint those individuals with oil while Pastor Clements prays for and over all who are standing.

Dismissal will be by rows in each room.  You may be directed to exit at a different location than you entered.

Public recommendations are that infants and those over the age of 65 should avoid groups and large gatherings.  We are asking that each person decide for themselves and do what they are at peace with.